As we reach the solemn one-year anniversary of the UK going into its first lockdown and we begin the roadmap to exiting our latest (and hopefully final) lockdown, I’ve been thinking about where care home marketing stands in 2021.
I have had the privilege of working with the care home sector for a number of years now and I have been able to see the ins and outs of how the marketing and sales process really works across a few different organisations, large and small.
Arguably, 2021 is going to be one of the biggest years for marketing in care. I see a great wave of change in priorities and processes and for the first time in a while, a big shift in perception of care. Where there once was a push for footfall of visitors through the doors of homes, we now see a push for digital representations of homes; where there was once a steady ebb and flow of residents in and out of care, we are now experiencing a need for post-crisis recuperation; and the trust we once built with the public, has now been somewhat broken by the media and that too needs rebuilding.
Fundamentally, making the right choice of home can significantly improve the quality of a person’s life. This point was true yesterday, today, and will continue to be true tomorrow.
Despite waves of change and times of crisis, one thing is certain: people need care.