How To Use Corporate Video

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From social media to conferences, and websites to newsletters, everyone is talking about corporate video.

It’s not just a trend. It’s a movement. Some say that if you don’t jump into making the most of corporate video production, your business will be left behind in the dust.

This pressure is something that corporate video production companies, in particular, are pushing and pushing.

Hello, the trend is in our favour! Let’s sell sell sell.

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Let’s imagine a perfect world for a moment…

You’ve gone to a corporate video production company and created a beautiful video to showcase your brand.

You put the video onto your homepage. The population of your target market instantly floods to your site because they just sense that they need to be there.

Sales go up by 200%. You’re hiring new staff to cope with your newfound success.

People are shouting about your brand from the rooftops.

People love you.

You sell your company to the highest bidder.

You’re offered a place as the next investor on Dragon’s Den with the billions that you’ve made, and you eventually retire on your own private island dining exclusively on caviar and tropical fish.

Do you see that there’s a problem here?

[/ultimate_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Putting your corporate video on your website is not enough!” alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””]

Getting eyeballs onto your content is one of the most important things in today’s digital age. The internet is overflowing with content, which means that you need to put in some hard graft, in order to get your content seen by your audience.

Placing a corporate video on your website and leaving it there in the hope that someone sees it just doesn’t work anymore. You need to take as many actions as you can to get as many eyeballs on your content as possible. There is a power struggle going on online between businesses vying for audience attention. In order to be a real contender in the battle, you must understand the work that needs to be done once you have your video content.

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We’ll presume you’re having a beautiful video made by a corporate video production company and you’re looking to place it onto your website. You want use it to show off your awesome product and drive traffic to your website. The video will make your website more appealing to search engines – hopefully placing you higher in the SERP rankings – and you want your outcome to be a great increase in sales.

Okay let’s give the video its best shot at success. First of all, you need to spread the word.

In the office? Start up some conversations with your colleagueas about the video that is being made – and then encourage them to do the same with others.

In personal relationships? Sow the seed early that you would love people to interact with and watch the video as soon as it is released.

Are you (or your business) active online? Spread the word on your social channels that something exciting is coming and prepare everyone to tune into the video when it goes live. The actions you take in the first day that a corporate video goes up, will dictate how effective it is for the rest of its time online.

Now, the video is completed. You love it, it’s been signed off with the corporate video production company, and it’s going live on your website.

It’s now time to make use of all those people you talked to about the video. Spread the word that it’s going up on your website at 10am on Wednesday morning and truly ask people to look out for it and engage with it.

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It really is that simple. One of the best actions you can take when your corporate video goes live, is just to ask people to engage with it. Tell them to go onto your website and see how the video looks. If it’s being published to YouTube, tell them to go like and comment on it. Ask people to share your social media posts about it to bring a wider audience to it.

TOP TIP: Is your brief only for one website video? Ask if your corporate video production company can cut together a couple of short social media stings from the existing content. This really won’t add much more to the budget and it’ll boost your posts on social media by miles.

Search engines and social media pages are really really smart. A good flow of traffic to a piece of new content, and strong view rates and interactions, tells search engines that this is a page that people want to visit. Social media pages love video too, so sharing video on your feed is a great way to bump your name to the top of people’s pages, and spreading the word about the content beforehand is really useful in getting those good view figures right from the get-go.

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Corporate video should never be restricted to one platform!

Can you use your product demonstration in the background of your sales pitches and presentations?

Have you considered incorporating video into your sales proposals?
(Look at programmes like PandaDoc or Vidyard for this!)

Is video a part of your weekly email newsletter?

Do you have some amazing customer testimonials for your brand? Can you get them on camera to talk about what it’s like to work with you?
(If not, build an on-brand motion graphics animation showing them off!)

Are you the face of your company? Have you considered vlogging?
(Take a look at one of our managing director, York’s, vlogs here:

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Creativity is important, now more than ever. When you enlist a corporate video production company to make your video, think outside the box. Consider where you’ll be able to share the video and how you’re using it to your advantage.

Spread the word, build excitement around your content, and share share share.

And most importantly: don’t just put video on your website and hope for something to happen! 

If you’d like to know more about how to use corporate video, what to consider before choosing a corporate video production company, or what kinds of corporate video work best on which platforms, take a look at the blog posts on the side of this page.

If you’d like to talk to a real person give us a call or drop us an email below and we’d love to answer all your corporate video production questions!
